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Monday, November 18, 2013

With the Chance of Loss

The past couple of weeks have been sort of rough.

In between class exams, class registration and leaving for Texas in the middle of the quarter, the Philippines madness, I have had some important family business going on.

I barely went to class these past few weeks.
I'm not even going to hide that.
I didn't go to class.
And I'm upset with myself about it.

But in all honesty, knowing you have family and friends who are in a state of emergency is more than alarming. It's terrifying, (not electrifying). And knowing there are many out there suffering from the wraths of mother nature only makes you think about how you can help. While I had to hear about family friends and members from here in the United States board planes not less than a day after Tacloban (Thaa - clo - bahn) was hit, I also had to hear about how they might not find who they are looking for.

And it makes me so sad.
It makes me re-evaluate what I have on my plate.
It makes me re-evaluate what I have in my hands.. what I have that others don't ... and how lucky and fortunate I am to be living here.

I am Filipino by descent (amongst other things)... and while I continuously am not proud of the way some of my people act, I do have a soft spot for the country my parents and family were raised in. I hear the stories of their childhood, and mine differ so drastically.

It's like the stories and memories are close to being lost.
And not only are their stories being lost, but so are those of my ancestors... and grandmothers... and grandfathers as their lives come to a closing from old ages and illnesses.

And then I think about the people of Tacloban and the Visayas and the Cebu area - and Coron, Palawan... the little town I went to back in 2010. It was beautiful, and was in the path of the storm. And I know.. it no longer exists as it used to. Gone is the wooden pier restaurant my family had drinks on as the rain came down softly on the ocean around us. Gone is the center market where families had collected to make their days earning. Gone is the internet cafe that I found my brothers and cousin in so often for their hankering for a game of WoW. (Yeah, they're in a beautiful place and they found a cafe to play...)

And while with loss comes new beginnings, such as, babies being born in the midst of all around. Unfortunately, the aftermath of getting relief to these people is a constant struggle. With corrupted politicians and desperation in place of hunger, thirst - the survival mode to live, I can not urge you more to help donate what you can to people you know who will get these relief efforts to those who need it.

And while I hide my hurt with blatant humor from how heartbreaking it is to hear about loss, I will still carry on holding thoughts and prayers close to my heart because it's all I can offer being more than 5,000 miles away.

RIP to those who lost their lives in Yolanda.
Blessings to those who are now fighting to survive.
Prayers to those who need it.

and last but not least,

RIP to my grandmother who helped raised the amazing mother I have. Without her and her sisters, my mom wouldn't be who she is... and I wouldn't be me without them.

Love thy country... even if.... I have other opinions about the way they carry their media.

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