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Tuesday, August 13, 2013


When I started this new blog a few days ago, I contemplated just what it would be about. I knew I wanted to write about something risque and taboo(pretend accent is there). However, I was aware what trouble might come up from it...

I didn't want to write about:

1. fashion - my closet lacks it though I feen it
2. make up - I don't make up my face or have money to review them all
3. I couldn't think of anything else.

To be honest, I would absolutely love to blog about fashion and make up. Let's face it though. My broke ass cannot afford to lavishly spend on clothes, make up, and shoes... even though inside I am absolutely DYING to.

So what did I plan on writing about? Anything. Anything I could possibly think of. Maybe my wanderlust desire. Maybe my baking escapades. Maybe just about life in general. But that wasn't working out. Why? Traveling is something I'm obsessed with and want to do but can't afford... and baking... well I don't have access to an oven so how do I bake ?! Haha. That's when I knew, I just knew I had to change direction.

And when I was driving home today, it dawned on me. Just like in Never Been Kissed (Oh look another film popped up... Wait. Did I mention this a few days ago? If I didn't, well now I did.)... But yes, in Never Been Kissed, Drew Barrymore's character is told, "write what you know." And what did I know about? College, life, family, church, self exploration, blah blah blah - everything a teenage girl goes through.

The kicker? What  I knew was that I wanted to talk about the things people were too scared to talk about. So there you have it.

I have decided to take a risk and chance (hah!) and write about all things dirty, true, & taboo. The hard knitty, gritty truth about everything I could possibly think of. Maybe what I've learned along the way can help someone out there too. So there you have it.

23k. A blog about everything. Especially the dirty, true, and taboo.

But don't worry, it just won't be about the "dirty, true, and taboo!" They'll be some "life lesson" sort of things here.


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