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Thursday, August 8, 2013


Hi everyone.

It's been awhile since I've revived a blog from who knows where in who knows how long. I started my first blog when I was about 12 or 13 years old - that's 10 - 11 years ago. Wow. (Have I aged that much already?!)

Anyways that was man, many, many years ago and over the years I just gradually stopped posting. I don't remember my old blogs. I don't remember their names. I know I wrote about my life. Every day. Until I started, I think, my senior year of high school. Of course, I had the occasional post until I started university. Annnnnd that was about it. It died... along with the past of many nights ago of an Asian-American teenager dealing with, well, life.

So now here I am, 10 years after I first decided to share my words with the world. And while no one cared so much to read about it then, I decided to try it at least one more time. And I stopped. And I started. And I stopped. Well, you get the point. So now I'm restarting this renewal of old thoughts shared once again, but no longer reviving the blog of many moons ago.

With that in mind, I think this is something I want to commit to. You know, actually commit. Not the half-ass start & forget sort of thing that I am so notoriously known for in my family for doing. (Because face it- Aries like me like to start projects but never finish them.) I'm going to promise, you - whoever's reading this, and myself to write about school, life, fashion, make up, trends - whatever. And I will continue writing to you until I finish university. That's 5 classes. 2 quarters. 6 months. Generally, I could finish in one quarter but you see, the public school system loves making classes only available at certain times of the year. And now I'm stuck. But that's okay... I like to share with people anyways.

Toast to a new blog.
Toast to a new goal.
Toast to you.


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